Pradeep Eranti



My motivation to join the ISCB Student Council is to be part of this truly global and enthusiastic community of early career researchers in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology and help other like-minded students to expand their network, learn and grow together. As an Executive Team member and RSG committee chair, I look forward to reviving the dormant RSGs and expanding RSGs to newer regions and, at the same time, introducing initiatives that are beneficial for the growth of current RSGs and promoting networking within and amongst the RSGs


Université Paris Cité, UMR-S 1124-T3S, Inserm, Paris, France


Pradeep Eranti is an Indian Bioinformatician currently a PhD student at Université de Paris, France, and is part of the Marie Curie Training Network "Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine". His research interests include developing and applying novel statistical and machine learning methods for studying human health and disease. Pradeep prefers to invest his time in science communication, open science, reproducibility, and community building.