Ana Isabel Castillo Orozco

Vice Chair


Nowadays, we live in exciting times where bioinformatics and computational biology evolve every day to resolve biological questions that have been difficult to research in the past. However, there is still a lot of work to ensure and promote the development of these fields and make them accessible across the globe.

Being part of the ISCB student council represents a unique and fantastic opportunity to contribute to boosting the educational and professional development of future young scientists passionate in these areas. I look forward to learning from my enthusiastic colleagues and sharing experiences, so we can explore novel opportunities and implement strategies to connect, empower and expand the bioinformatics and computational biology community worldwide


McGill University, Montréal, Canada


Ana Castillo is currently a Ph.D. student in Human Genetics at the Research Institute of McGill University (Montréal, Canada) at the group of Dr. Livia Garzia, where she researches the genetic bases of cancer recurrence and metastasis in pediatric cancers such as brain tumors. She earned her master’s degree in Genomic Medicine at the University of Manchester (England, UK), where she refined her education in Clinical Bioinformatics at the group of Dr. Miriam Smith at the Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine. Before these studies, Ana completed a bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology Engineering with a major in Molecular Biology at ITESM, Mexico. Ana is particularly interested in improving the impact and accessibility of Bioinformatics education worldwide. Ana first got involved in the Student Council in 2019 when she co-lectured a Bioinformatics Workshop supported by the ISCB at the Latin American Bioeconomy Forum ALLBIOTECH 2019 in Costa Rica. Since then, she has been involved in various ISCB events and activities, such as the sixth European Student Council Symposium (ESCS 2020) and the 17th Student Council Symposium (SCS) 2021.